April 18, 2023
Social Media Management

Best Influencer Marketing Services For Small Business

We highlight the best influencer marketing services for small businesses.

Farah Dietrich
Marketing Manger
Worked across agencies, specialising in social media management, community building and design.
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In today's digital age, social media has become essential to any small business's marketing strategy. While traditional forms of advertising, such as print and radio, are still effective, many small businesses are turning to influencer marketing to reach a wider audience and drive more sales.

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves partnering with individuals who have a large following on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. These individuals, known as influencers, can promote a brand's products or services to their followers, increasing brand awareness, website traffic, and sales.

If you're a small business owner for example, a high tensile fasteners manufacturer looking to implement influencer marketing, choosing the exemplary influencer marketing service to partner with is essential.

5 Best Influencer Marketing Platforms For Small Businesses

Here are some of the best influencer marketing services for small businesses:

  1. AspireIQ: AspireIQ is a platform that connects brands with influencers who are a good fit for their brand and audience. The platform also provides tools for managing influencer campaigns and tracking ROI.
  1. Grin: Grin is an influencer marketing platform that helps businesses find and collaborate with influencers. The platform also offers features like campaign management, analytics, and payments.
  1. Upfluence: Upfluence is an influencer marketing platform that helps businesses find influencers, manage campaigns, and track ROI. The platform also offers features like content creation, influencer outreach, and performance analysis.
  1. Influencer.co: Influencer.co is an influencer marketing platform that helps businesses find and collaborate with influencers across multiple social media platforms. The platform also offers campaign management, analytics, and influencer outreach features.
  1. NeoReach: NeoReach is an influencer marketing platform that helps businesses find influencers, manage campaigns, and track results. They offer various services, including influencer discovery, campaign management, and performance tracking. 

What You Need to Know Before Considering Influencer Marketing Service

When choosing an influencer marketing service, it's essential to consider factors like the platform's user interface, features, pricing, and customer support. 

Additionally, it's important to choose influencers who are a good fit for your brand and audience. This can involve researching potential influencers and their audience demographics and evaluating their engagement rates and content quality. For example, a business in Indonesia can use an influencer marketing service to find influencers in Indonesia.

What Other Effective Marketing Strategies Should Small Businesses Look Out for?

Influencer marketing can be particularly effective for small businesses in the food and beverage industry. Pubs, nightclubs, and bars can partner with local influencers known for their love of food, drinks, and nightlife to promote their establishments to potential customers

Additionally, pubs and bars can implement other effective marketing strategies like hosting events, offering specials, and enhancing their online presence. Furthermore, an influencer with marketing ideas for pubs will be more data-driven with the increased use of data and analytics in influencer marketing campaigns.

Influencer Marketing Strategies for Pubs and Bars

  1. Pub Marketing: One of the best marketing ideas for pubs is to host events such as trivia nights, live music shows, or karaoke. You can also promote your pub by offering drink specials and food deals during happy hour or other times. Furthermore, you can also create a loyalty program for your customers to encourage them to visit your establishment more often.
  1. Nightclub Marketing: Nightclubs can market themselves by creating a unique atmosphere that sets them apart from other establishments. For example, you can use lighting, music, and decor to create an ambience that appeals to your target audience. Additionally, you can offer VIP packages that include exclusive access to areas of the nightclub, bottle service, or other perks.
  1. Digital Marketing for Bars: Digital marketing for bars can involve creating a website or social media pages to showcase your establishment and promote your events and specials. You can also use paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram to target potential customers. Additionally, designing engaging bar posters can complement these efforts by attracting local foot traffic and enhancing brand visibility
  1. Social Media Advertising for Pubs: Social media marketing for pubs involves creating engaging content that appeals to your audience. This can include sharing photos and videos of your establishment, promoting events and specials, and interacting with customers who leave reviews or comments on your social media pages.

As social media platforms like Instagram evolve, staying up-to-date with the latest updates and features is essential. 

For example, the Instagram update in September 2022 introduced new features like augmented reality filters and the ability to schedule posts directly from the app. By staying on top of these updates and using them to your advantage, you can create more engaging content and reach a wider audience.

Pitfalls to Watch Out for When Working with Influencers

Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for small businesses looking to increase their reach and engagement on social media. However, there are also several pitfalls to watch out for when working with influencers.

  • One common pitfall is partnering with influencers who don't fit your brand well. Choosing influencers who align with your values and target audience is more important than simply going for those with the most followers.
  • Neglecting to disclose sponsored content to your audience is another disadvantage. It's important to disclose sponsored content to your audience to avoid legal issues. Influencers must admit when they're being paid by a business. Clear communication with influencers about content creation and campaign goals is also vital. Your influencer marketing efforts should align with your overall marketing strategy for maximum impact.
  • Another pitfall to watch out for is relying too heavily on influencer marketing without diversifying your marketing efforts. While influencer marketing can be effective, investing in other marketing channels like social media marketing for pubs, email marketing, and content marketing is essential.
  • Measuring the ROI of your influencer marketing campaigns is essential to ensure that you're getting a positive return on your investment. Use metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions to track the success of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions about future marketing efforts.

How to Find the Right Influencers for Your Small Business

Influencer marketing can be a valuable strategy for small businesses to reach their target audience and increase brand awareness. However, finding the right influencers to partner with can be daunting. Here are some tips on discovering the right influencers for your small business.

  • Always define your goals and target audience from the start. This will help you narrow down the types of influencers you want to work with. Next, research and vet potential influencers by checking their engagement rates, audience demographics, and past collaborations.
  • Consider partnering with micro-influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences, as they may be a more cost-effective option for small businesses. Build relationships with influencers by following them on social media, engaging with their content, and offering value in return.
  • Be transparent with your audience and set clear expectations with your influencers. Please keep track of your influencer marketing campaigns and measure your ROI to ensure they align with your overall marketing strategy.
  • Consider utilizing an influencer search tool that efficiently pinpoints the perfect influencers for your brand's message and audience; they can help boost engagement and reach by aligning with influencers whose content resonates with your brand's values and objectives.

The Future of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular way for small businesses to reach new audiences and drive engagement on social media. As we look toward the future, it's clear that influencer marketing will continue to play a crucial role in small business marketing strategies.

One trend we can expect to see in the future of influencer marketing is a greater focus on micro-influencers. While macro-influencers with millions of followers have traditionally been the go-to for influencer marketing campaigns, smaller influencers with highly engaged audiences are becoming more popular.

Another trend is the integration of influencer marketing with other marketing channels. For example, influencer marketing campaigns may be used with social media advertising or email marketing campaigns to create a more cohesive overall marketing strategy.

We can also expect continued growth in influencer marketing on newer social media platforms like TikTok and Clubhouse, which are quickly gaining popularity among younger audiences. Also, digital marketing for pubs will benefit from the growth of newer social media platforms, which offer new opportunities for influencer marketing.

In addition, we may see greater regulation and transparency in the influencer marketing industry. As consumers become more aware of sponsored content and the need for transparency, there may be increased pressure on influencers and brands to disclose sponsored posts and follow ethical guidelines.

Finally, we expect more effective use of data and analytics in influencer marketing. Small businesses can make data-driven decisions about their influencer marketing campaigns and improve their overall marketing strategy by using metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Explore our newest blog post to discover top-notch influencer search tools tailored for your business needs: https://www.ttagz.co.uk/post/16-of-the-best-influencer-search-tools


In conclusion, influencer marketing has become an essential part of any small business's marketing strategy. Choosing the right influencer marketing service is crucial to the success of your campaign. Consider factors like user interface, features, pricing, and customer support when selecting a platform. It's also essential to choose influencers that align with your brand and target audience. For example a business based in Sweden may specifically look for influencers in Sweden, or a business in Malaysia may specifically look for influencers in Malaysia.

In addition to influencer marketing, small businesses in the food and beverage industry can also implement other effective marketing strategies like hosting events, offering specials, and enhancing their online presence. Keeping up with the latest updates and features on social media platforms like Instagram is also crucial.

However, working with influencers also has potential pitfalls, such as partnering with influencers that don't align with your brand, failing to disclose sponsored content, and relying too heavily on influencer marketing. Measuring the ROI of your influencer marketing campaigns is also crucial to ensure that you're getting a positive return on your investment. By carefully selecting influencers, diversifying your marketing efforts, and tracking your campaign's success, you can effectively reach a wider audience and drive more sales for your small business.

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