June 20, 2024
Influencer Marketing

How To Track & Measure the Impact of Influencer Marketing Campaigns

This article explores how to effectively track and measure the impact of influencer marketing campaigns. Learn about key performance indicators.

Gavin Pierce
Content Writer
A results-driven SEO Content Writer skilled at driving organic growth by crafting compelling narratives and utilising SEO strategies.
Table of contents

We're in the age of the influencer, and influencer marketing campaigns have become a staple part of businesses looking to boost brand awareness and dominate the digital space.

All over the world, businesses have embraced partnering with creatives and influencers who share similar audiences, values, and interests. The power of influencer marketing is clear, but to get the most out of your influencer campaigns, measuring and tracking your performance metrics is pivotal.

After you find influencers to work with, the tracking begins. Whether you're working with nano-influencers, micro-influencers, or macro-influencers, measuring your campaigns is key.

The only way to truly know if your influencer campaigns are working is to track, measure, and analyse the data. With the right information at hand, you can make informed data-driven decisions going forward to get the most out of your influencer marketing strategy.

The Importance of Setting Influencer Marketing Goals

You should never push forward with an influencer marketing campaign before your goals have been clearly defined. The goals serve as the focal point of your influencer campaign, and success is measured by how well you hit your objectives and primary goal.

Your influencer marketing campaign goals should have a numerical value and a deadline. For example, a good goal for a startup hoping to boost organic traffic would be to "increase organic traffic by 30% within the next 6 months" - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

Don't set goals out of the realm of possibility for your brand. If your team is constantly struggling to hit campaign objectives, it demotivates everyone and negatively impacts the entire campaign.

Your goals will essentially serve as the guiding light for your campaign. To effectively measure these goals, you'll have to set key performance indicators, AKA, KPIs. If you don't track influencer marketing campaigns, you'll never know how well it's working.

Without clear KPIs, tracking influencer marketing success can be convoluted and complex. So what are the benchmarks you can set to measure influencer campaign performance? Let's run through some key metrics to track.

Benchmarks for Measuring Influencer Campaigns

Remember, the benchmarks you set will be based on the primary goal of your influencer marketing campaigns.

Brand Awareness

If increasing brand awareness is the primary objective of your influencer marketing campaign, you should track and measure the following metrics to determine success.

  • Brand Mentions: The number of times the brand is mentioned in social media posts and stories.
  • Brand Sentiment: Evaluating the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) associated with these mentions to understand the overall impact on brand perception.
  • Followers Gained: Keeping track of your follower growth during influencer marketing campaigns can give you a clear idea of whether your influencer campaign is resonating with your target audience.
  • Impressions: Impressions are the number of times a post was visible in timelines or feeds on social media platforms.
  • Reach: The number of unique users who have seen the content. This helps in understanding the campaign's potential audience.


A conversion can refer to several things, depending on your campaign, such as a purchase, sign-up, or subscription.

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who take a desired action (e.g., making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter) out of the total number of users who click through from the influencer's content.
  • Sales and Revenue: Tracking direct sales or revenue generated from the campaign can provide a clear measure of ROI.
  • Affiliate links: If you've incorporated affiliate marketing into your campaigns, tracking all referrals and conversions as a result of affiliate marketing is key.

Web Traffic

Your web traffic is a powerful indicator of how well your campaign is doing. As your influencer collaborations post across multiple marketing channels, you should see an increase in organic traffic.

  • Traffic Comparison: Using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console can provide you with insight into how many people have been visiting your website in comparison to before the influencer marketing campaign.
google search console website traffic

Cost Metrics

The cost metrics are essentially the costs of the full campaign. Remember, sticking to your budget is key when spearheading an influencer marketing campaign.

  • Cost Per Engagement (CPE): The total cost of the campaign divided by the number of engagements. This helps in understanding the cost efficiency of the campaign.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The total cost divided by the number of clicks, is useful for assessing the cost-effectiveness of driving traffic.

Content Performance

Always review the quality of the influencer content produced to ensure it meets your brand's standards, and pay attention to how it's received.

You can use Search Console to check which of your web pages is generating the most traffic, while tools for social media analytics can help you determine how well the influencer content is doing. 

  • Content Quality: Evaluating the quality of influencer posts in terms of creativity, alignment with brand values, and message delivery.
  • Audience Sentiment: Analysing the tone of comments and feedback to gauge the audience's perception of the campaign and the brand.
  • CTR: The CTR refers to how often (set as a percentage) users click on content after seeing it. 
social media influencers posts

Search Interest

  • Search Frequency: The frequency of people searching for specific terms or topics related to your products or services - an increase during an influencer campaign is a good sign that what you're doing is working.

How To Calculate ROI from an Influencer Campaign

Measure Outcomes

Collect data on the campaign’s performance based on the predefined metrics. Key performance indicators (KPIs) might include:

  • Reach and Impressions: Total number of people who saw the campaign.
  • Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, and saves.
  • Traffic: Website visits generated from the campaign.
  • Conversions: Actions taken by the audience, such as purchases, sign-ups, or downloads.
  • Revenue: Total sales attributed to the campaign.

Assign Monetary Value to Outcomes

To calculate ROI, translate campaign outcomes into monetary values. For example:

  • For sales: Sum the revenue generated from the campaign.
  • For lead generation: Assign an average value to each lead.
  • For awareness: Estimate the value based on industry standards or historical data.

Calculate ROI

Use the following formula to determine ROI: ROI (%) = Net Profit/Total Campaign Costs x 100

Where: Net Profit = Total Revenue - Total Campaign Costs

Example Calculation

  1. Campaign Costs:some text
    • Influencer fees: $5,000
    • Production costs: $1,000
    • Additional costs: $500
    • Total Costs: $6,500
  2. Outcomes:some text
    • Revenue from sales: $15,000
  3. Net Profit:some text
    • Net Profit = $15,000 (Revenue) - $6,500 (Costs) = $8,500
  4. ROI Calculation: ROI=($8,500​/$6,500)×100=130.77%

Thus, the ROI for this campaign would be 130.77%.

When to Adjust Your Influencer Marketing Strategy

Adjusting your influencer marketing strategy is essential for maintaining the effectiveness and relevance of your campaigns. We've covered a few key scenarios when it makes sense to make adjustments, and why it's crucial to do so:

Underperformance Against KPIs

Indicators: Low engagement rates, poor conversion rates, or negative ROI.

Reason: When a campaign is not meeting its predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), it's a clear signal that the current strategy is not resonating with the audience or the chosen influencers are not effective. Adjustments might involve refining the content, changing the messaging, or selecting different influencers.

Changes in Audience Behaviour or Preferences

Indicators: Shifts in audience demographics, interests, or platform usage.

Reason: The target audience’s preferences and behaviours can change over time. Staying attuned to these changes and adapting the strategy accordingly ensures that the campaign remains relevant and engaging. This might include exploring new social media platforms, adopting new content formats, or addressing emerging trends and issues.

Feedback from Influencers and Audience

Indicators: Direct feedback from influencers or audience comments and suggestions.

Reason: Feedback from influencers who are on the frontline of engagement and from the audience can provide valuable insights. Adjusting the strategy based on this feedback can improve the campaign's effectiveness and strengthen the relationship with both influencers and the audience.

Competitive Actions

Indicators: Competitor campaigns gaining significant traction or adopting new strategies.

Reason: Keeping an eye on competitors can provide insights into successful strategies or emerging trends in the industry. Adjusting your strategy in response can help maintain a competitive edge and capitalise on new opportunities that competitors might have identified.

Technological Advancements and Platform Changes

Indicators: New tools, features, or algorithm changes on social media platforms.

Reason: Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms and features.

Staying updated with these changes and adjusting the strategy accordingly can help maximise the campaign's reach and effectiveness. This might involve leveraging new analytics tools, utilising new content formats, or adjusting to changes in how content is prioritised by the platform.

Importance of Data and Tracking in Measuring Performance

Data-Driven Decision Making

Utilising data to inform decisions ensures that adjustments to the strategy are based on evidence rather than intuition. This reduces the risk of missteps and increases the likelihood of campaign success.

Continuous Improvement

Tracking and analysing data allows for continuous monitoring of campaign performance. By regularly reviewing metrics such as engagement rates, reach, conversions, and ROI, marketers can identify areas for improvement and make timely adjustments.

Understanding Audience Behaviour

Data provides deep insights into audience behaviour and preferences. This understanding helps in tailoring content and messaging to better meet the needs and interests of the target audience, thereby enhancing engagement and effectiveness.

You can use one of the many influencer marketing tools available, such as ttagz Search, to review audience sentiment, brand affinity, interests, follower authenticity, and more.

ttagz search influencer's audience

Measuring ROI and Effectiveness

Tracking tools enable precise measurement of ROI and overall campaign effectiveness. This is crucial for justifying marketing spend, demonstrating value to stakeholders, and making informed decisions about future investments.

Identifying Successful Strategies

By analysing data from various campaigns, marketers can identify what strategies work best and why. This knowledge can be applied to optimise future campaigns and replicate successes.

Final Word

Tracking and measuring the impact of influencer marketing campaigns is crucial for understanding the impact and effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaigns. 

Every influencer program is as important as the next, and understanding what worked and what didn't is the most reliable method of improving influencer partnerships going forward.

By leveraging a combination of quantitative metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and ROI, along with qualitative insights from audience feedback and sentiment analysis, your business can gain a comprehensive view of its influencer campaign performance.

Utilising the right tools and technologies, such as social media analytics platforms and unique tracking codes, further enhances the accuracy of this evaluation.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, maintaining a robust and adaptable measurement framework will ensure that influencer marketing efforts remain impactful and aligned with business goals.

At ttagz, we have a powerful influencer discovery platform that helps you connect instantly with creative influencers worldwide. 

Discover Influeners with ttagz Search
Filter from over 250M creators across Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, then hire and track your creators throughout the campaign
Download E-Book Unravelling UGC: A Comprehensive Exploration


What are the key metrics to track in an influencer marketing campaign?

The key metrics to track include engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), reach (the number of unique viewers), impressions (total views), click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). Additionally, tracking sentiment analysis and audience growth can provide qualitative insights into the campaign’s impact.

How can I measure the ROI of an influencer marketing campaign?

What tools can help track influencer marketing campaigns?

Can qualitative feedback from followers be used to measure campaign success?

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